Entertainment Law / Copyright / Rights Management
So much of what falls under Entertainment Law is rooted in Copyright Law. US Copyright Law protects original works of authorship, fixed in a tangible medium, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works. Copyright protection is available to both published and unpublished works.
Our job is to help you protect your creative works, define the rights you may have in jointly developed works, understand the implications of works-made-for-hire, and generally help you maintain and reap the benefits of your creative efforts.
Our Rights Management Services include:
For Estates / Individuals / Companies, we identify and corral the intellectual property assets; research and pursue uncollected income (royalties, etc.); reclaim rights (if appropriate); negotiate settlements; recommend and implement property management, licensing, sale or other disposition to maximize income.
We also represent individuals or businesses looking to license creative content for their projects, films, music videos, webisodes, tv shows, advertising, marketing, and assist in brand development.